Our mission is to educate United States Military Veterans with service-connected disabilities about the application requirements for U.S. Veteran Administration Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits, empower them to self-apply, and connect them with a Vocational Expert who is best qualified to evaluate their employability.

The Problem

Veterans with service-connected disabilities seeking TDIU benefits face a complicated application process and lack access to Vocational Experts who can evaluate their employability and provide a written report that is a key component to proving their case.

Vocational expert dealing with files

Our Solution

TDIYou provides Veterans with a step-by-step process to apply for TDIU benefits and a referral to a Vocational Expert who can perform an employability evaluation at a fixed rate which may be subsidized when charitable funds are available

Veteran TDIU benefits application

What is TDIU?

TDIU, or Total Disability Individual Unemployability, is a VA compensated monthly benefit equal to a 100% disability rating awarded by the VA to veterans whose service-connected disabilities render them unable to obtain and maintain substantially gainful employment.

What are the TDIU eligibility requirements?

Veteran Booklet and Keys

There are two pathways to TDIU benefits:

(1)    Scheduler TDIU - The Veteran has one service-connected disability rated by the VA as 60% or greater, or the Veteran has multiple service-connected disabilities with at least one rated at 40% and a total combined rating of at least 70%.

(2)    Extra-scheduler TDIU – The Veterans with service-connected disabilities that do not meet the Scheduler TDIU disability % rating requirements may still qualify for TDIU if they can prove that their service-connected disability or disabilities prevents them from working due to the functional limitations associated with their condition present an exceptional or unusual disability picture such as marked interference with employment or frequent periods of hospitalization.  

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TDIYou can refer the Veteran to independent Vocational Experts who are best qualified to perform an objective vocational evaluation of their employability/unemployability which may be the key piece of evidence the VA needs to properly adjudicate the TDIU claim.  When charitable funds are available, TDIYou may be able to subsidize the Veteran’s cost to contract an independent Vocational Expert.